
New Directions

I've had a lot of fun on classes these last few months.

These days I'm doing a six-week creativity class called "Creative Bootcamp", taught by Lisa Congdon, one of my favourite artists and instructors.

This week - the 2nd in the series - the assignment consisted of making our own coloured paper, then using it in a collage.

Painting the paper took a whole day! I used some full-size sheets of multimedia paper cut into four. That inexpensive paper took the washes really well -- I must replenish my supply.

And instead of being boring, covering sheets and sheets with those pretty watercolours was strangely satisfying. I loved the resulting textures. (If you click on the pictures you can see what I mean.)

After making the set, I had to choose only six colours for my project.

This is the "paper rainbow" that I produced:

These are the paints that I used (clockwise beginning with the violet):

  • Amethyst Genuine (Daniel Smith)
  • Prussian Blue (Holbein)
  • Cobalt Teal Blue (Daniel Smith)*
  • Cobalt Teal Blue - more dilute (Daniel Smith)*
  • Prussian Blue with various additions to make dark green (Holbein etc.)*
  • Viridian (Winsor & Newton)
  • Sap Green (M. Graham) plus Aureolin (Winsor & Newton)*
  • Aureolin (Winsor & Newton)
  • Cadmium Yellow Deep  (Da Vinci)*
  • Cadmium Yellow Deep - less dilute (Da Vinci)*
  • Brown Madder (Winsor & Newton)
  • Cadmium Scarlet - one thin coat and one thick coat (Winsor & Newton)*
  • Rose Madder (Holbein)*
  • Rose Madder Genuine (Winsor & Newton)
  • Off to the side: Payne's Grey (Maimeri)

Colours with an asterisk are the ones I used for the assignment. 

Using only those papers, I made this collage:

As I wrote in my description in the course Gallery, next time I will spend more time planning the different layers, but for a first real collage painting, I am rather satisfied about how it came out. I believe I achieved a good composition and colour balance, which were the main items to look out for.

Now I look forward to the next lesson!