
Cathy Johnson Sketching Workshop for Strathmore

Along with 2,415 other people (the number grows every time I go to the site!), I have signed up for this free watercolor sketching workshop that Cathy Johnson is giving for Strathmore Papers, part of their Online Workshop series.

Since I've been really remiss in my watercolor practice lately, I thought this would be a good way to get "in shape" for Barcelona, which is now only three months away!

We got the first videos and the first lesson today. Cathy is a very good, easygoing teacher.

There was no assignment required as such, but after Cathy demonstrated how she painted a favourite basil plan, the message was to paint a favourite thing and to try spattering and lettering -- two of the techniques that she demonstrated today.

My favourite "thing" these days is my piano, so I think I'll try sketching that... wish me luck!